This blog template is built with Astro. For the things that are not mentioned in this guide, you may find the answers in the Astro Docs.
Article Front Matter#
title: Article Title
slug: post-entry
published: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
description: Article Description
category: Lorem
tags: [Foo, Bar]
cover: /path/to/cover.jpg
lang: en # Only needed when article language differs from site language in `config.ts`
comment: true # Enable comments, requires comment system to be enabled and configured in `config.ts`
yamlWhere to Place the Post Files#
Your post files should be placed in src/content/posts/
directory. You need to create sub-directories if you want to use local assets. To automatically generate a new post file, run pnpm new [draft|post] [title] [--dir]
in the terminal at the root of the project.
└── post-2/
├── cover.png