Here is an example of a Markdown blog post.
Heading Level 1 (I suggest not to use this level)#
Heading Level 1 is reserved for the post title, so you should start with Heading Level 2. Or you can uncomment import remarkHeadingShift from './src/plugins/remark-heading-shift.mjs';
to the top of astro.config.mjs
and then uncomment the first line of the remarkPlugins
array. After that, you can use Heading Level 1 as a regular heading in your blog posts.
Heading Level 2#
You can use GitHub Flavored Markdown to format your blog posts. For example, you can use bold, italic and strikethrough text, create a link or just write a raw URL like, and add images:
Common Markdown features like:
- Lists
- Nested lists
- More nested lists
- More lists
- And more lists
- Numbered lists
- More numbered Lists
- Nested lists
- More nested lists
- Nested Numbered lists
- And more numbered lists
- Another nested numbered list
- More nested numbered lists
Or a blockquote.
You can use `
to create code line like this
, or
use triple backticks to create code blocks.
markdownHeading Level 3#
Other GitHub Flavored Markdown features include:
- Task lists
- More task lists
- And more task lists
And tables:
Header 1 | Header 2 |
Row 1 | Row 1 |
Row 2 | Row 2 |
A looooooooooong row | A looooooooooong row |
A very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong row |
You can also add footnotes1 or reference links.
GitHub blockquote alerts is also supported:
This is a note.
This is a tip.
This is important.
This is a warning.
This is a caution.
And that’s it!
I Think You Want to Have a Look at Heading Level 4#
Too Many Nested Headings is Not a Good Idea, but Here is Heading Level 5#
Heading Level 6 is the Last One, Why You Want to Use This?#
This is a footnote. ↩